Divorce & Child Custody Services in Baltimore, MD
To prospective clients with family law disputes including divorce:
Divorce and other family law disputes are among the most difficult personal crises that can be faced. When faced with such crises, you should have an attorney who has knowledge of the law, knows many of the Judges and Masters in various courts in Maryland who are likely to hear your case, and is strong. You should have an attorney who:
Knows how to try a case in the event that no settlement can be reached;
Knows the value of reaching a reasonable settlement in order to try to save the client legal fees and unnecessary hardship where this is possible;
Cares deeply about the welfare of clients;
Charges reasonable attorney's fees;
Is familiar with the mediation process as a way of settling cases;
Is strong enough to stand up to the opposing party if the opposing party insists on being unreasonable;
Tries to get help for his clients in a reasonable way;
Uses common sense in practicing law.